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Location February 1950:
Viki Handbag Inc.
8 Spruce St.
New York

Location January 1954:

Viki Handbag Inc.
Showroom: 1 West 34th Street, NY CA6-1860
Factory: 54 Lafayette Street, NY LO4-3939

Half page ad February 1950 "Handbags and Fashion Accessories," page 63

presenting the "SWIVEL SWAGGER" (U. S. Pot. Pend.) A NEW SENSATIONAL IDEA

"#1083 Genuine COBRA POUCH TYPE fully leather lined, zippered inside pocket, roomy interior, novel opening"

"The something new, something different combined with quality and smart styling for immediate consumer appeal. VIKI'S new "Swivel-Swagger" Handbags; set to start spring sales off on the right foot.

COLORS: Red. Green, Malachite Green, Sport Rust, Navy, Royal, Amber, Honey, Blue-Gray
Also made in CALF
Colors: Black, Brown, Cherry Red, Navy, Bamboo, Suntan and Green
Popularly Priced To Retail At $16.50
See our entire line of "Swivel-Swagger" bags for Spring!

Handbags & accessories January 1954, page 5

This Viki Handbag converts from handbag to shoulder bag and is featured in the May 1955 Handbags & Accessories Travel Bag article, page 13.

A variety of Viki Handbags is illustrated in this full page ad from January 1955. The unique double rotating tops on the briefcase style bags shows a spark of creativity! (Handbags & Accessories Jan 1955, page 16)

Bags for Spring 1956 were presented on January 3, 1956 by agreement as a member of the National Authority for the Ladies Handbag Industry. 1956NationalAuthorityMembers

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Page last modified on February 17, 2009, at 10:44 PM