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Location December 1959:

Style Art Handbags
162 Madison Ave.
New York City

Founded by Max Holzman in 1938.

Style-Art Handbags were mentioned in April 1942 issue "Handbag News" column of "Luggage & Leather Goods," Page 57

Soft Styles at Style Art

"A couturier feeling with soft, hand shirred details marks the collection of better bags at Style Art Handbags, Inc. The group of calf bags is particularly impressive. Even the more tailored styles have a soft feminine touch. Lucite and gold metal trimming is evident. A covered full length bar makes a dramatic trimming for a tailored, long narrow calf bag finished with a two-tone compartment lining."

This luxurious Cashmere Pouch bag by Style-Art Handbags was featured as "The Shape of Things to Come" in the July 1947 issue of Handbags Illustrated. It was available in black, brown and navy and wholesaled for $11.50 each.

"Cartridge pleats lend a distinctive note to this long bag made unusual by its exceptional side width. It boasts a 24K gold-plated frame and barrel fullness front and back. Smartly styled and well-made by Style-Art." (page 26)

Bags for Spring 1956 were presented on January 3, 1956 by agreement as a member of the National Authority for the Ladies Handbag Industry. 1956NationalAuthorityMembers

Handbag Briefs

"Out distancing fashion itself, Style Art Handbags, 162 Madison Ave., is enhancing the spring season with highly imaginative, exclusive numbers.

Seen at the showroom was a Chally wool woven straw Italian import, remarkable in multi-colors. Retail is from $16.95 to $18.95.

Calf is the model in the hands of the artists at Style Art. Prominent are unusual bell shapes trimmed in Italian mosaics ($79.50) ; an especially thin East-to-West with Italian mosaics ($42-50) ; the Pawn Shop in octogon shape $49.50) ; the pagoda with a semi-circle of round gold plaques and wide whale opening ($49.50), and the Boomerang with Florentine work ($49.50).

One startler is a black enamel frame on white leather. Magnificent! The domestic alligator with the shell frame is certain to be an attention getter. The retail range of the alligators is from $125 to $250." (December 1959 Handbags & Accessories, page 50)


"IN every walk of life there are the unsung heros, the old reliable standbys. They are honorable and forthright, well-liked and highly regarded by all. Such a one is Max Holzman.

He started his business career as an apprentice in the shoe industry and acquired a knowledge of leather manufacturing. His first association with the handbag industry was with Herman Bag Co., Inc. in 1918. The Company was one of the leading firms of its day and Mr. Holzman assisted Mrs. Rose Herman, an acknowledged fashion leader for eighteen and one half years. In addition to being in charge of leather buying and cutting, he assisted in designing and styling the line and became a principal of the firm in 1934.

The Herman Bag Co. was purchased by Mark Cross MarkCrossHandbags in 1936 with Mr. Holzman continuing as head of the leather buying and cutting departments.

In 1938, he founded Style-Art Bag Co., on a sole proprietorship basis. The firm specializes in high quality leather and novelty fabric handbags. Style-Art Bags popularized the shoe string handle and employs it so extensively on small dressy bags that it is almost a trade mark of the firm.

Mr. Holzman is responsible for many original and novel designs and adaptations which have been the subject of considerable attention.

He designed and patented (mechanical and design) the "Roll Top Desk Bag" which incorporated an unique and unusual feature for a handbag.

He designed the "Rear Window Bag" which played a prominent part in the picture by the same name and received top billing, second to Grace Kelly.

He has made many adaptations of the "Attache Case" which have gained wide acceptance and acclaim. All of which adds up to an inventive and ingenious flair for handbag versatility. Since 1946, Max has been aided and assisted by his son Herbert, who saw service in the Navy during World War II. Herbert majored in business administration at Georgia U., where he received a BBA in 1949. The father and son team are a happy combination with each admiring and respecting the other's contribution to the well-being of the firm.

From 1950 on, Max has been making an annual trek to the European markets for inspiration and ideas with the resultant effects being reflected in the high quality and fashion handbags identified with the Style-Art Bag Co." (December 1959 Handbags & Accessories, page 68)


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