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Location 1955:

Pretty Bags, Inc.
347 Fifth Ave.
New York

This full page ad Onco materials features an example of Pretty Bags' line. October 1955 "Handbags & Accessories" page 7

"Onco for handbag fashioneering!"
'"Backbone of these styled-to-the-minute handbags by Pretty Bags, Inc., is ONCO—the reinforcing material that leading manufacturers depend on for the finest in women's handbags. In handbag tops, bottoms, bodies, gussets, collars, ONCO gives lasting support to any contour, plus strength and spring-back resilience if distorted.

Made of highly purified cellulose fibre, ONCO is almost feather-light. This is another reason why in the handbag industry—as in the shoe industry—ONCO is an accepted standard of quality. For better handbags at less cost, you owe it to yourself to try "fashioneering" with ONCO. Write today for samples and information, Dept. CE-io our Boston office."'

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