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Location August 1942:

Rout-Rosenthal & Co. Rout-RosenthalCo
22 West 32nd St
New York

This display ad on page 65 of the August 1936 Luggage and Leather Goods points department store buyers to the company's display at the 1936 August Fashion Accessories Show.

Two unusual shapes illustrate the innovative designs offered by LaFrance for Fall 1947. The Stradivarius has a Surreal quality and the contour of the Pendant is quite distinctive. (July 1947 Handbags Illustrated, page 21)

Hand stenciled fabrics in Egyptian and Siamese designs were the rage for Spring 1955. This travel vanity by La France exhibits the Siam type to great advantage. (January 1955 Handbags & Accessories, page 53)

Bags for Spring 1956 were presented on January 3, 1956 by agreement as a member of the National Authority for the Ladies Handbag Industry. 1956NationalAuthorityMembers

E00131: The quiet dignity of this beautiful Brown wool handbag by La France is sparked by a remarkable embroidered floral trim on the long lift-up latch. The pristine brown satin interior is fitted with a large metal zip pocket, one open pocket and a comb pocket. Excellent condition, inside and out. Measures 8 x 1 x 9 1/2 “ with a 13” handle. Sold in 2005 for $45

Categories: Makers

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