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Location June 1949:
The Henry-Richards Co., Inc.
Division of the Henry Company
Maker of the EverRight Handbag
307 Fifth Ave.
New York 16, New York

Full page ad "Handbag Buyer" June 1949, page 14

Mergott Jemco frame, swinging chain purse plus inside zippered compartment. Swagger pockets with zippered compartment. Available in Plastic Seal Grain, Calf, Alligator, Lizagator."

The 1950s

Resproid Plastic Handbag Material ResproidResproInc used this functional Ever-Right bag as an example of the large, functional vinyl bags popular for daywear in 1955. October 1955 "Handbags & Accessories," page 19

Going over BIG

''Not only are handbags today BIG, but so is the demand for Resproid Plastic Handbag Material. BIG . . . and getting BIGGER, as more and more manufacturers go into peak holiday production. Behind the increased demand for Resproid are almost as many reasons as there are stunning Resproid effects and finishes. Handbag illustrated is of French Calf Grain Resproid. Other Resproid materials, perennially popular as they are beautiful, are Shukid Grain, Swedish Calf Grain, Bordeaux Calf Grain, and Box Calf Grain. Plan BIG ... plan BEAUTIFUL. Plan with Resproid, available in a host of eye-catching colors. Respro Inc. 530 Wellington Avenue, Cranston 10, R.I.''

Full page ad February 1950 issue of "Handbags and Fashion Accessories," page 28

"The Bag Designed with YOU in Mind"
That means it is styled to appeal to women, to business girls and others, who seek convenience, utility and many roomy compartments. The most practical bag made to serve their every day needs. It is basic and means fast stock turnover. It means all-year selling. It means increased profits. Compare it not merely with any other bag at the same price but with any other bag at any price. Then decide!

4 to 6 compartments in each bag
Roomy Accessory Sections All have Inside Zippers


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