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Location December 1935:

Dolly Muff Mfg. Co.
150 West 28th St.
New York

Large muff-handbag combinations were the rage in Winter 1935. Many times, the back would be designed to add coat fabric so you could match your outerwear! (December 1935 Luggage & Leather Goods, page 62)

From Minneapolis, from Boston, from Baltimore and from Seattle come calls for matching accessories. Women, the country over, are learning to complete their costumes effectively by shoes, bag and gloves, or hat, scarf and gloves, which all match and which contrast with the dress or suit worn. Buyers, therefore, are scurrying from glove house to bag house matching samples of leather, are conferring with milliners and neckwear manufacturers to obtain the ensembled accessories which their customers demand.

Following the Fashion Group luncheon meeting of October 17th which was reported in the November issue of LUGGAGE AND LEATHER GOODS, plans are now being made whereby the accessory industries will meet together to select a number of staple shades in advance of each season, which all will follow. The plan is being sponsored by the leaders of the glove, handbag, shoe and belt industries. When the shades are determined on, samples will be sent to stores and wide publicity will be given to the shades so that they will become nationally known—to consumers and stores. The organization of the Accessory Color committee is now under way and it is hoped that the members can start working together early enough to select the shades for Spring which can be coordinated throughout the accessory industries. (December 1935 Luggage & Leather Goods, page 44)

Dolly Muff exhibited at the Handbags & Accessories Show in New Your, January 1954 1954JanuaryHandbagsAccessoriesShow.

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