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Location June 1949:

Carlin Bros., Inc.
330 Fifth Ave.
New York City

Marc Resnick has provided the some details on Carlin & Fried. His great-aunt Faigy Resnick Carlin came to this country in the early 20th Century. She married Morris Carlin who was a principle in Carlin and later Carlin & Fried CarlinFriedInc.

Display ad "Handbag Buyer" June 1949, page 47

The 1950s

The January 1955 issue of "Handbags & Accessories" announced the merger of Carlin Bros and Carlin & Fried CarlinFriedInc into Carlin Bros & Fried CarlinBrosFried , Inc, effective January 1, 1955.

A story in the Trade News column on page 58 explains the merger.

Carlin Bros, and Carlin & Fried,

bag firms have effected a merger as of January 1, 1955. The firm now is known as Carlin Bros. & Fried, Inc. with showroom and office at 330 Fifth Avenue, New York, the previous home of Carlin Bros. Under the new set up, Harry Carlin will be in charge of sales and Max Carlin will handle production operations. Louis Fried, sole owner of Carlin & Fried since Morris Carlin's death in 1953, will direct designing and promotion and assist with production.

They will continue making $3 retail fabric and plastic bags in its five plants. The new firm plans a greatly increased production."

Categories: Makers

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