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The September 1928 issue of Trunks and Leather Goods detailed some of the Fall lines includes in the August 13-18, 1928 Leather Goods Show at Hotel Pennsylvania in New York. It was the first show to combine all leather products in one show.

Manufacturers featured in the show included:

Goldsmith Bros. GoldsmithBros
Makers of the Shurtite Gusset Bag
38-40 West 32nd St.
New York

Halberstadt & Co, Inc with Wolf Bros, Inc.
42 West 34th Street
New York

Himmel & Isaacs
136 Madison Ave.
New York

John Stember & Co.

John Mehl & Co. JohnMehlCo
347 Fifth Ave.
New York

Michel, Maksik & Feldman
28 West 23rd Street
New York

Springmeyer, Pattberg & Co. SpringmeyerPattbergCo
358 5th Avenue
Columbia Trust Building
New York

Unique Leather Goods Co.

Categories: 1928

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Page last modified on September 29, 2005, at 10:13 PM